Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes We Did.
I know it's cliche to say, but awesome. I'm actually proud, for the first time in my short life, to be an American.

However, amidst all the hope going around, I have to admit some reservation. Not doubt in our new president-elect. I like to think that I have realistically high expectations of him. Though after the past 8 years, he could do a piss poor job and still be amazing.

No, my reservations are actually about my fellow Americans. Yes, we elected an African-American to the presidency, that's pretty awesome. And yes, we elected a person who represents change and hope and finally has the attitude that I can say represents me, as an American, well. However, I don't think it represents as many Americans as I'd like. Many people voted for him because they doubted McCain's ability to turn the economy around. Well that's nice and all, but that's one of the weakest of the many reasons to vote for Obama. Of course, also, many people did not vote for Obama. He won in a landslide, but still 47% of America did not vote for him. Quibble about percentage points, but that's half the country. And that half of the country is still very angry. We are still not a united country, not as united as I'd like.

Just look at proposition 8 in California. It makes me pretty angry. Now when a gay black man... or say, a gay black woman is elected president... Whoa.

Hey, Hope is in the air. Change is on the way.

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