Thursday, October 11, 2007

9 Manliest Names Ever

Cosmic Variance points to this article listing the 9 manliest names ever. Of special interest to me is Max Planck. I use his name literally every day as he helped develop quantum mechanics and has an oft used constant named after him. Also noted is the idea that Max Planck would have been an awesome pirate name.
"yaarrr, walk the my last name!"

This leads me to the formulation of the 'porn name'. Your porn name is constructed by taking your middle name and following it with the street you grew up on. Keep in mind not all are winners. I am Jonathan Main. Not too bad. Alternatively, Jonathan Mercury if you use the street I lived on briefly in Arizona. Better.

Everyone, submit your porn names into the comment section of this post. The person with the best porn name will immediately grow a mustache and/or perm.


Anonymous said...

I believe I have the winner: John Rural Route #1... its more of an abstract ambient techno song

And this brings to mind the worst name ever that I stumbled upon. A girl that went to my high school was named Faith Hope.... its not even funny enough for me to be joking

Unknown said...

I'm not sure where I rank, but as things stand right now, I am guaranteed at least a bronze medal.

My porn name is James Raspberry. Or, to those who know me, Jimmy Razz. I think it's more suited for gay porn. But hey, maybe I am too.

Jeremy said...

James Raspberry is pretty good, but Jimmy Razz sounds like a mobster, or someone who works in the 'biz'. It also sounds like something uncomfortable you might do to someone. Like a Charlie Horse.
'Oooooh, he Jimmy Razzed me right in the ear!'

merghanstern said...

Lynn Augustine. God-awful.

Jeremy said...

yeah, that is pretty bad. Sounds more like a name for a nun or statue.